
Group Exhibition

April, 6 – May, 3 2023

Volery Gallery

Dubai, UEA

“My body is propagated like flower, even by your handwriting, 2022”

by Hoda Kashiha

The mystery of human expression has long been a subject of fascination for artists, and in the new group exhibition “Enigma,” nine established contemporary artists present works that unpuzzle the unknown. The show features a diverse range of artists working in various mediums and explores the mystery and enigma of expression in characters from both urban and rural settings, as well as in new, imagined universes.

Family Series - Talking, 106cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Each artwork in the exhibition is a visual riddle, exploring questions of gender, politics, and social issues through the lens of mysterious and enigmatic characters. Renaissance icons, cartoon show characters, and disfigured daily acquaintances are brought together in a single exhibition, each piece inviting viewers to contemplate what lies behind the brushstrokes and the universes they carry in the depth of their eyes.

The exhibition will feature works by:

Anna Barriga | Marcela Florido | Hoda Kashiha | Suanjaya Kencut | Fika Leon | Tania MarmolejoMiju LeeLy |​​ Aokabi Saya

Enigma Installation at Volery Gallery