Solo Exhibition
Suanjaya Kencut
January 26 – February 24 2023
GR Gallery
New YorkÂ
GR gallery is pleased to announce ‘Social Circle’, the first solo exhibition of Suanjaya Kencut with the gallery and in New York. The show will feature a total of 19 artworks revealing a new suite titled ‘Connection Series’, among this, a special recognition is merited by five shaped canvases that challenged the artist with a new media and opens up innumerable future possibilities.
Suanjaya aims to turn viewers focal points to the representation of human beings as dolls, which comes from the desire of recognizing all life forms as sacred and re-state how people are social creatures who thrive from cultivation of support systems like friends and family. Through the emptiness filled pandemic, Kencut felt disconnected and wanted to add hope, positivity, and optimism to his compositions with brilliant colors and figural views. These inanimate puppets show a fragmented scenes of human life that contains a consideration on the current situation in the hope that people can reflect on themselves through his artworks.

A series of soul contemplation during the Covid-19 detention period resulted in a full awareness of the importance and beauty of the memories of socializing. These times are engraved in the fragments of memories about our position and close relationship with the people around us in the scope of work, community, and friendship. Mr. Black, Mr. Blue, Mr. Red, and Mr. Yellow, are a series of cutting art in the form of whole figures in this exhibition that departs from the experience of the diversity of a person’s character, personality, and aura. This color is often being the initial determinant of who they will become in our lives. Whether they’re being an important person in our life or just stopping by for a greeting. However, Kencut also believes that differences with other people are not always a problem. As seen on Mr. Colorful, life will be more colorful if we can synchronize our thoughts. A shared vision, taste, and thought, is common to be a reason for several people to get close over a long period and form a Gang and become a Support System for one another.
In contrast, Any Question, Brainstorm, Chill, Command, reminds us of a room that has millions of stories but is limited by a wall of separation caused by the educational period. An important period that requires us to be connected with other people, without any choice, the compulsion for adaptation, and really forces us to be trained on walls without boundaries. Because the foundation of maturity will open the wall that previously limits one, to an ocean of opportunities to choose where our choices will be anchored. In a period of oscillating oneself towards life choices or even the lowest point in life, of course, you will need lots of support and holding from a very important person in life. It is there that one realizes the beauty of togetherness, having many people around who sincerely support without demanding anything in return.
Sebuah seri perenungan jiwa dalam masa tahanan Covid 19 dengan hasil kesadaran penuh akan penting dan indahnya memori masa bersosialisasi. Masa-masa tersebut terukir dalam serpihan ingatan masa lalu tentang posisi dan hubungan kedekatan kita dengan orang-orang disekitar dalam lingkup pekerjaan, komunitas dan lingkup pertemanan. Mr. Black, Mr. Blue, Mr. Red, dan Mr. Yellow, merupakan seri karya cutting berbentuk figur utuh dalam pameran ini yang berangkat dari pengalaman akan ke beranekaragamnya karakter, sifat, aura seseorang. Warna tersebut tak jarang menjadi penentu awal akan menjadi siapakah mereka dalam hidup kita. Menjadi orang penting dalam kehidupan atau hanya sekedar singgah dalam sapaan. Namun Kencut juga beranggapan bahwa perbedaan dengan orang lain tidaklah selalu menjadi sebuah masalah, jika kita dapat menyinkronkan pemikiran justru hidup akan lebih berwarna, sebagaimana dilihat dari lukisan Mr. Colorfull. Sebuah kesamaan visi, rasa dan pemikiran, tidak jarang mendekatnya beberapa orang dalam jangka waktu yang lama dan membentuk sebuah Gang dan menjadi Support System satu sama lain.
Berbeda dengan karya Any Question, Brainstorm, Chill, Command yang mengingatkan pada masa-masa pendidikan dalam sebuah ruangan yang memiliki jutaan kisah, namun berbatas tembok waktu perpisahan. Sebuah masa penting yang mengharuskan kita terkoneksi dengan orang lain tanpa pilihan, pengharusan akan adaptasi sangat memaksa untuk terlatih pada tembok tanpa batas. Karena pijakan kedewasaan akan membuka tembok yang sebelumnya membantu membatasi, ke sebuah samudra kesempatan untuk memilih dimana pilihan kita akan berlabuh. Dalam masa terombang-ambingnya diri menuju pilihan hidup, atau bahkan titik terendah dalam kehidupan, tentu sangat membutuh support, dukungan dan Holding dari Very Important Person dalam hidup. Disanalah diri tersadar akan indahnya kebersamaan, memiliki banyak orang disekitar yang tulus mensupport tanpa menuntut balasan.

Connection Series - Command
160×105, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Any Question
73×103, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Grouping
87cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Pick Me
60×80, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Very Important Person
160x80cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Chill
60×60, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Gang
100×120, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Practice
81cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Holding
84×78.5cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Support System
170×130, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Brainstorm
170×130, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Good Boys
60×60, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Leadership
76cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Sibling
60x60cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Mr Black
104x42cm, Acrylic on Cutting Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Mr Colorful
104x42cm, Acrylic on Cutting Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Mr Yellow
104x42cm, Acrylic on Cutting Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Mr Blue
104x42cm, Acrylic on Cutting Canvas, 2022

Connection Series - Mr Red
104x42cm, Acrylic on Cutting Canvas, 2022